Previous Pied Currawong (Strepera graculina) Next
Currawong on Kumquat tree
Above: A Currawong picking a Kumquat Fruit

Currawongs look similar to Magpies and Ravens in terms of shapes and sizes. However, their wings contain a crescent patch of white and their tails contain white at the tip and mid-tail section. They also have distinctive yellow eyes. The black plumage allows them to blend into the shadows of branches easily.

They eat eggs and nestlings of other smaller birds and can go so far as stealing directly from the nests. Currawongs build their own nests high up in the trees with sticks.

The call of the Currawongs are one of the most relaxing sounds and they often can be heard echoing through the mountains during dawn and dusk.

Currawong on grass
Left: A Currawong foraging for food on the grass.

Right: A Currawong peaking through the thicket
Currawong peaking through the thicket

These birds inhabit regions of the Blue Mountains where there are open forest and scrub.