Previous Pacific Black Duck (Anas superciliosa) Next
A Pacific Black hunting
Above: A Pacific Black Duck hunting for fish and crustaceans.

A flock of Pacific Black Ducks hunting for small fish in the water
Above: A flock of young Pacific Black Ducks, hunting for small fish in the water.

The Pacific Black duck is one of the common ducks of Australia (besides the Maned Wood duck). They are sturdy creatures who like to flock in numbers. Their body plumage consist mainly of dark brown, with a black streak similar to a mask running across the eyes. The upperwings consist of green and purple feathers.

These ducks love small fish and crustaceans such as shrimps and yabbies. They also eat vegetation in swamps and lakes. They therefore inhabit vegetated swamps and lagoons in the Blue Mountains.

A Pacific Black flapping its wings
Left: A Pacific Black duck drying itself after a nice bath.

Right: Two Pacific Black Ducks enjoying an afternoon swim.
A pair of Pacific Black Ducks enjoying an afternoon swim

These ducks usually hatch in large numbers in the order of a dozen. Both parents will help to rear the young and can be very protective against intruders.