Previous Willie Wagtail (Rhipidura leucophrys) Birds Index
Willie Wagtail feeding a baby
Above: A Willie Wagtail feeding a dragon fly to its chicks.

Willie Wagtail sitting on nest
Above: This Willie Wagtail is keeping the chicks warm. Both parents take turn at guarding the nest and hunting for food.

The Willie Wagtail is one of the most common birds of Australia. They are bold and often can be seen attacking larger birds and sometimes even cats. They are quick in nature and can catch insects on the fly. They love to spend time near water hunting for insects since the water tends to attract many types of insects there. Also, Willie Wagtails can often be seen perching on livestock where there are plenty of insects. They can run on the ground very quickly with the tail wagging spreading like a fan.

These birds build nests out of mud and usually over water on a thin branch so that predators can not easily get to their nests. Both parents share responsibilities in incubating and rearing their young. The chicks are fed with insects.

Willie Wagtail Perching
Left: A Willie wagtail watching out for insects.

Right: Willie Wagtails like to spend time near water since most insects are attracted to water.
Willie Wagtail by the water

The Willie Wagtail can be found almost everywhere in Australia except very wet forests. Therefore, they can be found almost everywhere in the Blue Mountains.