Previous Eastern Rosella (Platycercus eximius) Next
Eastern Rosella on tree
Above: An Eastern Rosella is in the midst of calling "pee pitpee" to defend its territory.

Eastern Rosella on grass
Above: This Eastern Rosella is checking out the disturbance outside its nest in the tree hollow.

The Eastern Rosellas, like most Australian parrots, have bold and unique colours. The blend of red, yellow and greenish blue have earned this parrot top of the beauty chart. These beautiful birds feed on grass roots, seeds and nuts. They nest in tree hollows similar to other parrots.

Eastern Rosella
Left: An Eastern Rosella feeding on some grass roots.

Right: Another Eastern Rosella feeding on seeds in the grass.
Easter Rosella

These parrots live in woodlands, parklands and gardens. Therefore, they can found in most parts of the Blue Mountains. However, their numbers are decreasing.